Daily Devotion


Real Life

Past Devo Series

Strong Hands, Tender Heart

Strong Hands, Tender Heart

A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” That statement reveals a staggering truth: real change begins when we see God in all his wonder, sovereignty and grace. Today, Ron Moore helps us “turn our eyes...

Finishing Well

Finishing Well

You’ve run the race. Sometimes well, sometimes faltering, but you’re still on your feet and looking toward the finish line. What can you do to insure you don’t stumble and fall before you reach it? That's Ron Moore’s focus in this half-hour.

Can a Christian Suffer Depression?

Can a Christian Suffer Depression?

The steel-gray clouds have rolled into your life and you wonder if the sun will ever shine again. Worse still, you’ve been told believers should never experience these dark days. Ron Moore will tell you the truth from the life of David, a man after God’s own heart. In...



Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes God places situations in your path, not to tempt you, but to reveal you…to show whether you’re opportunistic or principled. On today’s program, Ron Moore looks at two such instances where the situations facing David held...



A sure measure of our spiritual condition is found in how we deal with those who threaten or wrong us. In this half-hour, Ron Moore contrasts the responses of two people facing just such a situation. Which one will best represent your level of spiritual maturity?

Surviving a Spiritual Slump

Surviving a Spiritual Slump

Has spiritual dryness staked a claim in your heart? Have you descended into a cave of depression that borders desperation and despair? Well today, Ron Moore examines those places in the life of a fellow struggler, a man after God’s own heart. Listen and discover the...

Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 3

Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 3

Song writers Jule Styne and Bob Merrill had it almost right when they penned the words, “people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world.” The Bible says it better; “people who need people, are the most blessed people in the world.” Today, Ron Moore talks...

Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 2

Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 2

Do you know who your true friends are? Those you can count on to be strong and weak with you in every season of life? Well today, Ron Moore continues his examination of the qualities that secure the best of friendships. Listen and learn so you can find them in...

Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 1

Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 1

Who would you take a bullet for? Who would take one for you? Perhaps more to the point, who would you stand with in the face of powerful opposition? In this half-hour, Ron Moore explores the qualities found in that kind of friendship. It’s a remarkable story of love...

The Slippery Slope of Success

The Slippery Slope of Success

Have you ever felt you were sliding down into success…headed for a place the world considers lofty...one you know to be a destination glittering with corruptible gold? Well on today’s program, Ron Moore shares a cautionary tale that will help you navigate the hills...

Defiers of God

Defiers of God

There are giants in the world and in your heart. Their stature is so imposing you fear they will overpower you and your faith. Well today, Ron Moore is going to equip you for that battle. It’s a conflict in which you can be more that a conqueror.

A Matter of the Heart

A Matter of the Heart

Too often we make “audition room” judgments of ourselves and others. We ask whether we have the right “look”…the “X factor” appearance that marks our culture’s ideal of successful people. But, as Ron Moore is about to share, when we evaluate character on that basis we...

Past Devo Series