Daily Devotion


Experiencing Spiritual Freedom: Fellow Heirs with Christ

by | Mar 17, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Experiencing Spiritual Freedom | 1 comment

How do you know for sure? How can you know that you are a child of God? How do you know for certain that you will go to heaven when you die? You have trusted in Jesus and do your best to follow him, but how can you be confident that when you close your eyes in death, you will open them to see the Savior? Is there a “scale” that weighs your good works? Does it depend on your last month, week, or even day on earth? Could you be good to go in the morning, sin in the afternoon, and miss heaven if you die in the evening? How can you know for sure?

Romans 8:14-17
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.

Until my early twenties, I would have argued that you can’t know for sure. I believed you could be a child of God one minute, sin, and be kicked out of the family the next. I knew Jesus had saved me, but I believed it was up to me to keep myself saved. Then, I learned what being a child of God really means. Based on the passage today, when I trusted in Christ as my Savior, I “received the Spirit of adoption as sons.” I no longer live in fear. If one of my children goes against my instruction, they are still my child. The prodigal son was just as much a son when living in sin as when he was welcomed home with a bear hug from his father. So, it is with our loving heavenly Father! The Aramaic word “Abba” is an endearing term, similar to our word “Daddy.” As God’s child, my sins are paid for by Jesus, the Spirit of sonship lives in me, and I can call (this is unbelievable) the Creator of the universe “Daddy, Father”!

So, back to my original question: How can I know for sure? Read the last sentence of our passage. The Spirit tells me…the Holy Spirit whispers to my spirit, “You belong to me!” In my doubts, the Spirit says, “Don’t fear. You are mine.” Sitting in the failure of my sin, the Spirit says, “You are a child of God. Get up and come back home.” If you are a child of God, the Spirit will “bear witness with [your] spirit” that you are in the family. This communication will not be in an audible voice, but it will be unmistakable. And you can respond as an unconditionally loved and thankful child, “Abba, Father.”

Father, I thank you that the work of Jesus for my sins—past, present, and future—is complete. I thank you that I am a child of God and will forever be. Thank you for the Spirit living in me and reminding me that I am your child. Thank you for your amazing, complete, unconditional, eternal gift of sonship! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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