The Spirit of God lives in you. That’s the amazing truth for every true believer. And when the Spirit of Christ lives in us, that changes everything.
Romans 8:9-10
You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
There was a time when my body—the instrument through which I do life—was pinned to the mat. I was dominated by my sinful nature. My every desire, thought, emotion, and action was controlled by my flesh. The Spirit of Christ did not live in me, so my life was all about fulfilling the personal inclinations of my heart. The result of sin is death—not only to my temporal body but to my eternal soul.
Then it happened. God, by his grace, brought me to himself. The Spirit took up residence in my heart (the center of my mind, emotions, and will). Through the completed work of Jesus, God not only forgave my sin but assigned (imputed) Christ’s righteousness to me. Now, in Christ, I will pass from death to life!
My sinful nature is not eliminated, and it still fights for control. Sometimes, it causes me to stumble and fall. Frequently, I am enticed and dragged away to disobedience by my own desires. But now, with the Spirit living in me, I am no longer dominated by sin. Oftentimes, I will give in to sin, but I don’t have to! When I submit to the Spirit’s control instead of my own desires, I will always do what pleases God. The Spirit of God dwelling in me allows me to experience life, real life.
Father, thank you for the power of your Spirit. Today, I pray that I will submit to the leading of the Spirit in all areas of my life. Control my tongue, mind, emotions, hands, and feet. Remind me again and again of your power that resides in me. In Christ’s name. Amen.