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Today we read an amazing story about amazing grace. A woman who had led a sinful life was ready to head in a different direction, so she found the Great Agent of Change. This account is a powerful reminder: Jesus did not turn sinners away…whatever their sin…neither should we.
Luke 7:36-39
One of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table. And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner.”
I believe many people treat homosexuality like it’s a different sin…a “worse than others” sin. Although it is listed with adulterers, the greedy, and liars (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Tim. 1:9-10), we conclude that there has to be an asterisk by “[those] who practice homosexuality” noting that all sins are bad, but this sin is the worst. If we believe someone else’s sin is worse than our own, we fail to fully deal with our sin.
Stanton Jones said, “If you cannot empathize with a homosexual person because of fear of, or revulsion to them, then you are failing our Lord.” In today’s passage, the woman who lived a sinful life repulsed the Pharisees. Jesus was repulsed by their lack of grace.
Father, we must speak clearly regarding sin. Help us speak clearly and boldly in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.