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Imago Deo. That’s Latin for “Image of God.” Our passage today reminds us that we were all created in God’s image. What an amazing truth!
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
John was one of my best friends. We kept up with each other from childhood. When Lori and our kids would go to Oklahoma to visit family during the summer, John would come to Pittsburgh to keep me company. We worked on home projects that Lori had lined up during the year. Then, in the evening, we checked out local restaurants, watched movies, and took in a few Pirates games. I always looked forward to those times with John.
John was single, and I often asked, “When are you going to find someone to marry?” He would tell me about a girl he had taken out or one he wanted to. But relationships never seemed to go anywhere. Those discussions took place year after year in person, over the phone, and through email. That’s why I was shocked when John told me he was gay. He said he had tried to tell me for years but could never find the courage.
God created man in his own image (Imago Deo). “Male and female he created them.” Scripture is clear that practicing homosexuality is a sin and must be addressed. But we will also see that most who struggle in this area do not march in LGBTQ+ parades or seek front-page photos of their “marriage.” They are sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends, who engage in a silent struggle with a powerful temptation. Certainly, we must take a biblical stand against this sin. And, as for every sin, we must boldly speak the truth, and we must always speak the truth in love.
Father, we must speak clearly regarding sin. Help us speak clearly and boldly in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.