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Marriages don’t explode. There is seldom one event that causes a husband and wife to call it quits. Rather the demise of a marriage is more like a slow leak. If the leak is not tended to, over time, the air escapes, and the relationship goes flat. Far too many couples conclude that it is neither possible nor worth the effort to breathe air back into the marriage. But believers aren’t like most couples. We do things differently. How can we restore a depleted relationship? Let’s return once again to the premier passage on marriage.
Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
In their book, We Can Work It Out: How to Solve Conflicts, Save Your Marriage, authors Notarius and Markman say it this way:
Keep in mind that people do not fall out of love the way they do out of trees. Relationship decline is neither a sudden nor inevitable process. When love and happiness do decline, it usually follows a steady and relentless erosion of satisfaction due to unbounded and destructive conflict.
So, here are some questions. Are there any slow leaks in your marriage? Anything causing love and happiness to decline? Any conflicts relentlessly eroding your satisfaction? If so, deal with the issues. Address them head-on. Get counseling. Go to a marriage enrichment class or conference. Get the help you need to stop the leak and put the air back in your marriage. Generations will thank you for caring enough to make the necessary repairs.
Father, help us take the time to work on our marriages. Don’t let us ignore the leaks and cracks. Encourage us to do what is needed to keep our relationships aired up and airtight. In Jesus’ name. Amen.