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My purpose in this week’s devos is to show why living together before marriage is not a part of God’s design. But what if it’s too late? What are the next steps after the wrong steps?
Once again, let’s start with Genesis 2:24.
Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
For a man and woman living together before marriage, the heart of commitment is missing, so true friendship is impossible. Neither one has given any assurance that they will stay in the relationship. Without commitment, sex is simply a physical act. Waking up next to someone who wants sexual satisfaction but is unwilling to make a long-term commitment is far emptier than being in bed alone.
So…if you are living with someone, what are the next steps after the wrong steps? For starters, don’t get married! Not yet. Physically separate for at least six months and abstain from sexual intimacy. Make sure your relationship is not built on sex alone. Ask good Christian friends to hold you accountable. Ask God’s forgiveness for disobeying his instructions. Date each other and pursue a true friendship. Secure biblical premarital instruction. When you are certain God made you for each other, set a date and celebrate your public commitment with family and friends. Marriage must have a solid foundation to endure.
The next steps after the wrong steps must be following God’s steps!
Father, I pray for that couple living together. I know doing the right thing will be hard. But help them desire obedience and give them the courage to obey. Lead them to a church where they can be with others who love them and will provide solid biblical premarital counseling. Confirm that you want them together, and if so, help them celebrate a covenant of commitment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.