Daily Devotion


For God So Loved

by | Feb 14, 2019 | Daily Devotion, Gospels | 0 comments

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

In His conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus explained the entire plan of salvation in one sentence. Let’s break it down and consider this powerful truth.

For God so loved . . . Our relationship starts with God. God’s love for us led Him to drastic action.

. . . the world . . . God’s love is extensive, piercing through every stage of history all the way around the globe to every individual.

. . . that he gave his one and only Son . . . God’s love sent Jesus — the perfect, one-time-for-all-time sacrifice to bear our sins in His body on the cross.

. . . that whoever believes in him . . . Belief is not a simple consent of knowledge. It includes trusting in Jesus alone as the only one who paid sin’s debt for us. We enter belief by being sorry for our sin. Next we believe that God will cleanse us from our sin. Then we live believing that God will empower us through His Spirit to live for Him every day.

. . . shall not perish . . . In Christ we are protected from God’s judgmenton sin. He took the punishment on the cross so we can live in freedom. He died; we live.

. . . but have everlasting life. Our new life in Christ applies far beyond the few years we have on this earth. Because of Jesus we pass from death to eternal life. Because of Jesus we will never die.

Have you experienced God’s love through Jesus that results in eternal life? God’s provision in Jesus can be yours forever!

Lord, words could never express my gratefulness for Your amazing love. Help me to show You my thanksgiving with my life. In Your name. Amen.

Today on The Journey:
What is Sin Anyway?
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