Daily Devotion


Fresh Start: Choosing to Forget

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Fresh Start | 0 comments

There are some things I can’t erase from my memory. Hurtful words and actions against me or those I love are seared into my conscience. I don’t want to remember these things or feel the emotion that goes with remembering. I can’t recall what I had for lunch yesterday, but I can relive the painful interaction with a teacher, coach, boss, or friend that took place decades ago. I have worked to forgive, but I still can’t forget. That’s what makes today’s passage so amazing to me.

Isaiah 43:25
I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.

The eternal God forgives and chooses to forget. He blots out my sin so that it is eliminated from the record. Gone! Removed! If CSI came looking for evidence of my forgiven sin, they would be unsuccessful and have to mark it as a cold case file. God chose to wipe my forgiven sins from his memory. He chose to delete the forgiven sins from his eternal, omnipotent, omniscient mind. Amazing!

Some of you are carrying around unnecessary baggage. You have made a mess of things. Welcome to the human race. You are sorry for your sin, but you are certain God can’t and won’t forgive you. You view him as a despot ready to make you pay. Read today’s passage again. God says to you,

Isaiah 43:25
I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.

He forgives and forgets when we bring our sin, shame, guilt, and sorrow to him. Let him have it…and feel the burden lifted from your soul. And get ready for a fresh start.

Father, I am amazed by your mercy and forgiveness. Thank you for wiping my slate clean when I confess my sins before you. Thank you for choosing to remember my sins no more. Lord, help me live like I am forgiven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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