In the spring of 2005, Anna Lyndsey was working at her computer screen at the Department of Work and Pensions for the British government when her face began to burn. The pain continued, and eventually, Lyndsey learned that the painful reactions were caused by light. In a memoir called Girl in the Dark, she explained her condition.
The sensitivity seems to change at random, making it hard to establish how much I can tolerate, and how bright. Sometimes the curtains need to stay shut, sometimes it is O.K. to go for a walk towards evening, occasionally I make it to the shops, at other times any of these activities causes horrible burning that lasts for hours. . .. I have taken to wearing my straw hat and a long cotton scarf draped around my neck that I can hold up over the lower part of my face. It mitigates, but does not remove, the pain.
Lyndsey eventually moved to the country to deal with her issues. She has lived a decade in the dark.[1]
Our sin leaves us in a similar condition as Anna Lyndsey. Life is spent in the spiritual realm of darkness. But Jesus changes everything. Here’s what the apostle Paul tells us.
Colossians 1:13-14
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
As believers, we never have to live in the land of darkness. We have been purchased from the darkness (redemption) and transferred into the kingdom of light—the kingdom of Jesus. Through him, we have been forgiven. Let’s think about the power of forgiveness.
When sin rears its ugly head, and I follow its lead, the guilt weighs on my heart. Sometimes, the guilt paralyzes me. I am spiritually frozen. Sin causes me to feel unworthy and unwanted. The longer I stay away, the gap widens in my relationship with God, but he provides forgiveness. And that forgiveness is always available for the child of God. It is fully supplied by our Redeemer. It washes over our souls like a cleansing shower. The weight is lifted, and the darkness is gone. We can move towards God, who embraces us with open arms. He puts our sin behind his back and chooses to forget it. Finally, we can see. The darkness no longer holds us in its prison. We have freedom to follow hard after Jesus as forgiven children of God.
Father, thank you for the forgiveness found in Jesus. Thank you for the pardon that flows from the cross. Thank you for cleansing. Thank you for separating my sin as far as the east is from the west. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you that my identity is always found in Jesus. In his name. Amen.