Daily Devotion


Fresh Start: Forgives and Cleanses

by | Mar 10, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Fresh Start | 0 comments

I read a fascinating book called The Presidents’ Club, which explores how former presidents interacted with one another while in office and afterward. Some faced each other in elections where cutting personal accusations were made. Some ran against the record of the past president, blaming him for policies that almost ruined the country. Some understand that all the rhetoric is politics. But others never forget. They hold grudges and bitterness until the day they die.

What some of the most powerful men in the world are unable to do, God does…every day. Today’s passage, written to believers, reminds us of God’s amazing grace. When we come to him in confession (sorrowful for our sin), he forgives us and wipes away the mess from our hearts. When we acknowledge our sin, he will forgive us every time.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Are you carrying around the guilt and shame of sin? Have you concluded that God will not listen to your prayer? Have you decided to take care of your sin on your own? If so, you’re wrong on all accounts. God waits for you to reach out and confess your wrongdoing before him. Come to him with your sin; leave forgiven and cleansed. What an amazing God!

He is the God of fresh starts.

Father, thank you for your amazing acceptance. You will never turn me away. Thank you for your amazing pardon. You will always forgive my guilt and shame. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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