Do you feel like the wicked prosper while you spin your wheels? Just wait…
Do you feel like unbelievers soar while you are stuck? Just wait…
Why did the most dishonest salesperson land the big one? Just wait…
How can your ex-spouse who had the affair celebrate life while you suffer? Just wait…
Are you irritated because the cheater set the curve? Just wait…
Do blessings seem to flow away from your life? Just wait…
Are you tired of living a single, obedient life when others are cutting corners? Just wait…
Are you frustrated to see the workaholic’s children turn out so well? Just wait…
Why did the corrupt politician win in a landslide? Just wait…
Mark 10:31
But many who are first will be last, and the last first.
Just wait…. You are a foreigner in a foreign land. Your citizenship is in heaven. You are not home yet! Just wait…. One day, all the places in line will be rearranged, and you will be standing in front! Those who have focused their lives on the things that are temporal will fall out, and those who have kept their eyes on Jesus will step up. The least here will be the greatest, and the greatest here will be the least. Just wait….
When I was growing up, we sang a song in church called It Will Be Worth It All. The chorus went like this: It will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Life’s trials will seem so small when we see him. One look at his dear face, all sorrows will erase. So bravely run the race till we see Christ.
Lord Jesus, we often compare ourselves to others and see their advantage as blessings. Remind us that we are strangers here. Remind us often that we are not home yet. Amen.