Fresh starts come with each sunrise. They are not carried over from the day before. Remember the manna process in the Old Testament. The Israelites could only collect a day’s worth; the next day, they went back for more. That’s how it is with fresh starts. And our “manna” is God’s Word.
Psalm 119:9-11
How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
New days begin with reading God’s Word. God’s Word guards our hearts. Storing up God’s Word pushes out sin. Seeking God through his Word keeps us from wandering down the wrong path.
I challenge you to read God’s Word every day. Personally, I like the practice of reading through the entire Bible each year. The daily reading schedule helps discipline me to stay on track. But the close cousin of “discipline” is “danger.” I’ll admit that some days, I do the reading but neglect the reflecting. I “check the box” without checking my heart. And I’ll admit that sometimes I get behind and do some “turbo reads” to catch up. I have heard others talk of daily Bible readings as a “rabbit’s foot,” saying, “My day always goes better when I get my reading done in the morning.”
Today’s passage teaches us that reading and reflecting on God’s Word is not our good luck charm. God’s Word is his love letter to us. It is the Father’s gracious guide for a life of obedience and significance. It provides the guardrails for our journey. Without the reading, reflection, memorization, and application of Scripture, we are going to stray instead of staying close. God’s Word keeps us rooted and grounded and refreshes our souls.
Once, a man approached me after a message and asked, “Do you know what the word “Bible” means?” My mind went to the Greek and the meaning of “biblios.” I was getting ready to impress him with my “knowledge” of the original language when he said, “Bible. B-I-B-L-E. Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.” That was a better definition than I had. God’s love letter gives us everything we need to be grounded on our journey before leaving this planet to spend eternity with him.
Father, I don’t want to treat the reading of your Word like a daily project or a good luck charm. Help me read the Bible as a love letter from a Father to his child. Help me see your commands as firm instructions for my good. Help me hide your Word in my heart so that it will be there when I need it on my journey, lighting the path and keeping me from taking dangerous detours. Keep me sustained by your Word each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.