Daily Devotion


Fresh Start: Not Guilty!

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Fresh Start | 0 comments

Do you ever watch those murder mystery series that follows the search for the killer and subsequent trial? The suspense comes when the evidence has been given, and everyone is waiting for the verdict from the jury. Can you imagine standing there waiting to hear the words— “guilty” or “not guilty”? In the next moments, your destiny is revealed—prison or freedom.

The truth is that each of us will stand before God, knowing that we are guilty. We can’t deny that we have committed acts of sin. In fact, we are sinners to the core. But imagine—knowing that you are guilty—and hearing the words, “Not guilty!” Not guilty because someone else has paid the penalty for you. Check out this passage.

Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have been justified! This rich theological word is one we need to understand in order to grasp our identity in Christ. “Justify” is a legal term that carries two significant truths.

“Not guilty!”
As a sinner, I stand before God without a prayer. I am guilty to the core. But, thankfully, I don’t have to stand before God alone. When I place my faith in Jesus and his work on the cross, he stands with me. Jesus died for all my sin and guilt. With Jesus, God pronounces me “Not guilty.” The payment for my sin has been settled in full by my Savior, Jesus Christ.

As I stand before God with Jesus by my side, I am declared innocent and righteous. The word “righteous” is a term that comes from a river reed that was used as a construction tool to judge the horizontal straightness of walls and fences. The word is used in Scripture to describe God. He is the straight edge (the right rule) by which all things are evaluated. Because of Jesus, God clothes us with a “robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10).

Not guilty! Clothed with the righteousness of Christ! That’s the place for a fresh start!

Lord Jesus, thank you for doing for me what I could never do for myself. Thank you for paying sin’s penalty on my behalf. Lord, thank you for allowing me to find my identity in you alone. Amen.

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