Daily Devotion


Guarding Your Relationship

by | Aug 20, 2021 | Daily Devotion, Praying Through The Bible | 0 comments

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Malachi 2:15

Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.

God’s design is for a husband and wife to become one. This oneness is to be experienced in every area of the relationship. It involves a:

Spiritual Oneness: Developing together as followers of Christ.

Physical Oneness: An exclusive fulfilling sexual commitment.

Mental Oneness: Commitment not to consider other relationship options.

Emotional Oneness: Commitment to exclusive feelings.

God is the One who joins a husband and wife together. And what God joins together, man should never separate. The marriage covenant must be guarded and kept. Young adults, make sure you pursue God’s spouse for you…one who is growing spiritually and encourages your spiritual growth.

Husbands and wives, guard your relationship! Make time for each other. Read Scripture together. Pray together. Bring the date night out of the closet. Have fun together. Allow your relationship to grow and flourish. One day your children and grandchildren will thank you for keeping your marriage covenant.

Talking to God

Father, never let me take my marriage commitment lightly. Give me the strength to stick it out for better or worse. Help me not to evaluate relationships by the standard of the world. Thank you for joining me together with my spouse. May our commitment never be broken and may our children grow up in a home where this covenant is honored and you are loved. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




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