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[expand title=”Devotion Text”]Titus 2:2
Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
“Spiritual maturity” and “chronological age” are not synonymous. Many believers, with the benefit of years, have not used them for spiritual advancement. There are those who have moved into their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s without moving farther along in their walk with Christ. Paul tells Titus to teach the older men.
The characteristics and qualities listed in today’s passage are not for older men only. But those blessed with years in the church need to demonstrate these qualities to the younger men who are watching. Yes, we are to respect our elders…and… our elders should be “worthy of respect” by demonstrating temperance and standing firm “in faith, in love, and in endurance.”
Nowhere in Scripture do we find instruction for when we can retire from the Christian life. We are told to press on, not sit it out. The church desperately needs older men and women willing to empty themselves into the lives of another generation. The future depends on it. Older believers, it’s time to sign up for significant leadership! Impacting the future begins today.
Father, fill the church with older believers who have the experience of the past, obedience in the present, and a vision for the future. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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