Daily Devotion


Job: Room for Mystery

by | Mar 15, 2025 | Daily Devotion, Job Gods Story in Your Suffering | 0 comments

Job 18 and 25

Writing about the greatness of God, the prophet Isaiah asked, “Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel? Whom did he consult,

and who made him understand? Who taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding? (Isa. 40:13-14) The answer to these rhetorical questions is, “No one!” No man or woman can understand the mind of God and all the ways he works in our lives and the world.

And for some people that’s a problem.

Many people insist that everything, even the truths about the eternal God, must make sense in their finite minds. American journalist H. L. Mencken articulated this idea well: “To every complex question, there is a simple answer — and it’s clever, neat, and wrong.”[1] When we examine the nature of God, prepare for some mystery.

Job’s friend Bildad had no room for mystery. He was convinced that he understood the issue surrounding Job’s predicament. This is what made sense to him:

  • God is just.
  • God punishes the guilty.
  • Job was being punished for his sin
  • Turn from sin and God will bless you.

For Bildad the answer was simple, clever, neat, and wrong. But that didn’t stop his blunt and brutal argument.

In his first speech, Bildad asserted that God’s justice required the guilty to be punished, pinpointing Job’s situation. Bildad adopted a historical perspective, grounding his theology in the insights of men from “bygone ages,” ancient men who had done their homework (8:8). Job’s dilemma was that he was a godless man who had forgotten God (8:13). His understanding of God was as delicate as a spider’s web (8:14). Bildad’s second speech reiterates the same argument, but second verse.

Bildad continues in his assessment that Job is a windbag (18:1) and is irritated that Job does not agree with his viewpoint. He asks Job, “Why are we counted as cattle? Why are we stupid in your sight?” (8:3)

Bildad focuses on Job’s overwhelming misery and deems that the poor man is close to death. He says that Job’s light is going out and soon the “flame of his fire” will cease to shine. His life will fade like putting out a lamp in a tent (8:5-6). Job, Bildad says, is like a man who is trapped.

Job 18:7-10
His strong steps are shortened, and his own schemes throw him down. 8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walks on its mesh. 9 A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare lays hold of him. 10 A rope is hidden for him in the ground, a trap for him in the path.

Job is likened to a fugitive being chased down by death (Job 18:11-15) or an uprooted tree (Job 18:16-20). Bildad’s judgment on Job is severe: “Surely such are the dwellings of the unrighteous, such is the place of him who knows not God” (Job 18:21).

By the time Bildad got to his third speech, he was running out of things to say. His final speech in Job 25 is the shortest chapter in the book, with only six verses. He wraps up with this last shot at Job.

Job 25:4-6
How then can man be in the right before God? How can he who is born of woman be pure? 5 Behold, even the moon is not bright, and the stars are not pure in his eyes; 6 how much less man, who is a maggot, and the son of man, who is a worm!

Bildad does ask a probing question. “How can a man be right before God?” But the question was aimed at the wrong man, with the wrong motive. God gave Job a right standing. God declared Job upright and blameless. And nothing, absolutely nothing, could change his standing before the Almighty.

Bildad thought he had everything wrapped up nicely. After finishing his third speech, he puffed out his chest and walked away with a sense of pride. He believed he nailed it! His message was clear and concise, but it was wrong.

Perhaps you feel like Bildad, minus the harsh bluntness and biting sarcasm. You view things in black and white; everything is either true or false, right or wrong. You maintain a stern, even rigid, stance in your theology. Just as you understand that 1 + 1 = 2, you believe that God is just, rewarding obedience and punishing sin, with life’s hardships resulting from sin and judgment. You are currently facing a difficult period; therefore, it must be the result of sin.

The book of Job teaches that, from our viewpoint on earth, life doesn’t always make sense. Sometimes the wicked prosper. Sometimes the righteous suffer. God is writing our story. And…he never wastes our time. What he allows us to experience today is preparing us for tomorrow. In our walk with God we learn that there are truths we cling to and mysteries we must accept. These are the questions that weave through this book and weave through our life:

Can I trust God when life doesn’t make sense?

Can I trust God during my pain?  

Is God enough?

Read Job 18 and 25
As you read Bildad’s words, note his bluntness and sarcasm. He is a man who could use a dose of compassion.

Talking to God
Ask God to show you if there are any areas in your life where you could show more compassion.

Have Questions?
Be sure to send your questions to our team. We are happy to assist you as you explore God’s Word. Submit your question below, and we’ll reply soon.

This week’s podcast is a must-listen for parents. I have a conversation with professional counselor Heidi Erickson, who explains the effects of pornography on children and how we can protect them. Visit The Journey with Ron Moore Podcast, Episode 68.

[1] https://www.studocu.com/en-us/messages/question/8890255/the-famous-newspaper-journalist-h-l-mencken-once-said-to-every-complex-question-there-is-a#:~:text=Mencken’s%20quote%2C%20%22To%20every%20complex,to%20incorrect%20conclusions%20or%20solutions

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