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[expand title=”Devotion Text”]Luke 15:11-13
Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.”
This well-known parable tells the story about a lost son and a loving father. Today let’s focus on the prodigal; tomorrow we’ll see the great love of the father.
Rebellious. Disrespectful. Demanding. I am sure you could think of a few more words to describe the son. Unwilling to wait for his inheritance, he told his father in essence, “I wish you were dead” and demanded his share of the estate. The father complied. And the young man wasted no time. He wanted to get as far from home as he could.
Money is a magnet for “friends,” and his “friends” stayed as long as the money lasted. He was having too much fun to think about his family, let alone miss them. He was immersed in wine, women, and song . . . heavy on the women. But it wasn’t long before he had squandered all his inheritance. The friends left, the women couldn’t be bought, and “he began to be in need.” He took a job feeding pigs. After a while his hunger made the pig slop look appetizing. Finally, (I love this part) “he came to his senses” and decided to go back home, not to be reinstated as a son, but simply to work as a servant.
I don’t know where you are today. Maybe your rebellious life has led you to a distant country far from the Father. Maybe you know all about the life of a prodigal. I am praying today that you come to your senses. I am praying that you get up from the pig slop of sin and head back home. I can promise that the Father is waiting. His arms are open wide. He is ready to forgive and restore. But you have to come back home.
Father, I pray today for that person who has left and traveled to a distant land far from You and far from the support of those who love them. I pray that You will help them come to their senses, admit their sin, desire to change, and come back home. Father, help them to see You waiting with open arms. Help them run to Your embrace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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