The room was tense as we sat around folding tables in a small room at our church. One person had said something to hurt another person. We were there to make things right—to seek and grant forgiveness. Those are hard meetings, and on this day, forgiveness never came. The exchange was sharp; the emotions were high. After much discussion, prayer, and reading Scripture, one person got up and stormed out of the room. He never set foot in our church again.
I have two emotions when I think back to that day. First, I wonder what I could have done differently to help deliver resolution and restoration. Second, I am thankful that my heavenly Father never leaves the room, even when I am stubborn in my sin. Jesus told a story to make that point.
A young man was tired of the constraints at home and asked his father for his inheritance. The young man showed disrespect to his father by demanding his inheritance, distanced himself from his family, squandered hard-earned money on immoral living, and ended up friendless, famished, and filthy. But when he “came to his senses” and decided to return home, he reasoned that his actions disqualified him from being a son, so he would ask to be treated as a hired hand. He was willing to accept the consequences of his sin. That’s true repentance. But this story is about amazing forgiveness.
Luke 15:20
And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
We call this parable “the prodigal son.” I like to call it “the loving Father.” What a picture of God’s grace and forgiveness! When we have made a mess of things, the Father runs to meet us, embraces us, and forgives us.
Maybe the loving Father is waiting for you to return home today.
Lord God, speak to the person reading this who needs to deal with a particular sin that has taken them far from you. Remind them that you are waiting to forgive. Remind them that, like the prodigal son, they need to make the journey home. In Jesus’ name. Amen.