A few years ago, a group of us walked through Hezekiah’s tunnel in Jerusalem. In the days of King Hezekiah, it provided water for the city. This tunnel is about a third of a mile long and takes approximately thirty minutes to wade through from one opening to the other, with water mid-thigh deep in some sections. Prepared with headlamps and flashlights, we carefully made our way down into the underground channel. Tunch Ilkin, a former Pittsburgh Steeler, was in that group and had us imagine we were David’s Mighty Men sneaking into the city. When you were with Tunch, it was always an adventure. About halfway through, one person in our group said, “Everyone stop and turn off your lights.” When we did, it became pitch black. You couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. He made his point by saying, “This is as dark as it gets.” I remember Tunch saying, “Hmm. Good point. Now lights back on. We have a city to conquer!” Several years later, I took another group through the tunnel and wanted to make the “as dark as it gets” point. I said, “Ok, everyone, stop, turn off your headlamps and flashlights.” I heard multiple replies, “Are you crazy?” “I am not going to turn off my light.” “I am afraid of the dark!” So much for me making my point.
Most of us are afraid of the dark—the absence of light. That’s where chaos, fear, disillusionment, and anxiety reside. It’s the place where the unknown lives. What is waiting for us…hiding from us…in the darkness? It paralyzes. We can’t move forward in the darkness. But here is the good news—the believers’ light is always shining.
John 1:4-5
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
In Scripture, darkness is a figure of speech for sin and confusion. Darkness is where Satan rules. He is behind the chaos, fear, and anxiety. He desires to keep unbelievers lost in the dark and believers stuck in the dark. Satan wants us to be filled with emotions that cause doubt about God. We become incapacitated, unable to move.
Darkness is Satan’s realm, but now the Light has arrived.
The battle between light and darkness continues, but the dark forces can never conquer the light. Here is the beauty of light—it always dispels darkness. Light always wins. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). The light overcomes the darkness. The darkness will never overcome the light!
Father, send your light to drive away my fear. Send your light and make sense of my confusion. Send your light so I can find my way to you. Send your light so I can see the path that pleases you. Send your light so I can have the confidence that my steps are secure. Please send your light so that I can experience the light of life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.