John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Tiny hands waving about uncontrollably. A shrill cry piercing the damp air of a borrowed cave. A mother’s peaceful smile. A mysterious smile on the face of her husband, who helped deliver a miracle. And the Word became flesh: God confined to an infant.
Growing hands pointing to ancient scrolls. An adolescent voice asking and answering questions. The teachers amazed. A mother who “treasured up all these things in her heart.” The Father smiling with favor. And the Word became flesh: God growing in stature.
Gentle hands touching blind eyes, deaf ears, and withered limbs. Powerful hands turning water into wine, feeding multitudes with a single meal, and touching life into lifeless bodies. Thankful faces without words to express their gratitude. And the Word became flesh: The Father glorified through the Son.
Constricted hands, the result of spikes driven through his wrists. Arms outstretched, fastened to a wooden beam. A mother stands below, feeling every painful throb as her own. The just Father turns his back on his Son. And the Word became flesh: Our sins on Jesus.
Scarred hands in resurrected glory. A chariot of clouds lifting him to the Father. A joyful mother watching her son ascend. A promise from the lips of the risen Savior: Just as I go, I will return again. And the Word became flesh: Resurrection assurance.
Open hands inviting every sinner. Accepting all who come to him in faith. Blind eyes see; prison doors are opened. The prince or pauper; none are turned away. Eternal life to all who believe. And the Word became flesh: Sinful man in communion with the holy God!
Lord Jesus, thank you for leaving the indescribable brilliance of heaven to become man. Thank you for coming to us so that we could come to you. Amen.