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[expand title=”Devotion Text”]John 17:17
Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
The key to Christian growth does not start by reading another book. It starts by reading The Book, God’s love letter to His children. It is the truth of Scripture that sets us apart and allows us to truly live a life that pleases God.
The Bible needs to be more than read. Believers need to absorb its truth. We need to meditate on the stories, promises, challenges, and instructions. The Bible puts us on the right track, tells us when we are heading off the road, shows us how to get back on the road, and keeps us going in the right direction.
I challenge you to read God’s Word daily. Make it a part of your day that you do not miss. Dig deep to have a better understanding of who God is and learn how much He loves you. Let His truth wash over you and cleanse your heart. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Reading and studying God’s Word is the key to spiritual growth.
Father, help me make the time to be in Your Word daily. Help me shed the excuses and meet You in Your love letter. Help me to not only read Your Word but also give me the strength to put it into action. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
As an application to this passage, I encourage you to dig into God’s Word using the tool we have recently published. Living Grounded is not a traditional Bible study. Interaction with Scripture is purposed for personal application. Theological and biblical information is provided in a format that can be easily accessed as a reference tool. Space is provided to allow this book to become a spiritual life journal. Acronyms provide ways to remember important spiritual truths. Graphics provide places to reflect on what you have learned. Contact the Chapel Bookstore at The Bible Chapel for more information, khelbling@biblechapel.org or 724-941-8990.
Today on The Journey Broadcast: