Daily Devotion



by | Jun 13, 2023 | Daily Devotion, Living Hope | 0 comments

I often hear people say, “My goodness, with all the natural disasters around the world; the earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, and all the wars and threats of more to come, the craziness of our culture calling wrong right and right wrong, we have to be living in the end times.” It’s true. Peter makes the point in our passage today.

1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.

Writing in late AD 64/early 65, he says, “The end of all things is at hand.” If Peter said that in the first century, then certainly, we are much closer to the end in the twenty-first century. But I have to be honest. Here’s what saddens me. Many who talk much about the end times don’t apply the truth to the present times. I mean, really, if you believed that Jesus was coming back during your lifetime, why would you have a retirement account? Why not invest the money in kingdom work? If you really believed that Jesus was coming back during your lifetime, there would be no time to waste on recreational pursuits.

Here’s my point: Talk translates into…more talk…another book, or Bible study on the end times. Belief translates into action. If you believe something…I mean, really believe it…this compels you to live consistently with your beliefs. So, Peter says to be “sober-minded.” Don’t be so distracted by the minor things that you miss the major things. Be “self-controlled.” Your life should be characterized by spiritual discipline. Read God’s Word every day. Pray. Get rid of the interference and commotion so you can communicate with the Father. The end of all things is near. That’s not a topic simply to be studied. It’s a truth that should change the way we live!

Father, turn our talk into conviction. Turn our conviction into passion. Turn our passion into action. And use our action for eternal purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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