In 1 Peter 2:4-8, the apostle Peter uses the example of a building to help us understand the eternal importance of our relationship with Christ. He describes Jesus as “the living stone,” “a cornerstone,” and the “cornerstone chosen and precious.” In 1 Peter 2:7, the apostle warned those who did not believe. In today’s verse, he followed with a second warning. Sometimes Jesus becomes a “stone of stumbling.”
1 Peter 2:8
…And “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.
Peter makes it clear that not everyone will believe in Jesus as their Savior. In fact, Christ on the cross will cause many to stumble and fall away in disbelief. They will hear but choose to disobey the message. We all know of people who are “stumbled” by the person and work of Jesus. Maybe that person is in your family.
We cannot make anyone trust in Christ, but we can do two things. We can pray that God will soften hearts, open blind eyes, and breathe life into the spiritually dead. And…we can live our lives in such a way that others will see that’s exactly what God did for us.
Father, we pray for those we know and love who do not know and love you. We pray that you will do your work in their hearts. Change them by the work of your Spirit. Help us to live as examples of a life changed by Jesus. In his name, we pray. Amen.