Think about it! Disease that wracks the body—healed! Broken hearts from broken relationships—over! Wayward children—home! Stricken with grief—comforted! Addictions—overcome! Years of separation—united! Disappointment—elation!
2 Peter 3:13
But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
One day, God’s promise of heaven will be fulfilled. The world as we know it will pass away. God will replace it with a new heaven and a new earth. All who reside there will walk in righteousness. God will keep his promise.
I know that might be hard to believe now…as you battle cancer, as your life is reeling from a separation or divorce, as you pray for your child’s return, as you recover from the death of a loved one, as you fight the addiction, as you struggle through days of discouragement. But God will keep his promise. Hang in there! God’s promise is on the way.
Father, speak to the hurting. Speak your comfort and encouragement. Remind your children that you are our God who always keeps his promise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.