Daily Devotion


Mission Accomplished

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Daily Devotion, Gospels | 0 comments

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John 19:30

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

To be honest, when Jesus bowed His head and died it didn’t look much like an accomplished mission. It looked more like a tragic mistake. Jesus hung lifeless on a cross, beaten beyond recognition. Two common criminals hung dead by His side.

On that Friday Jesus had appeared before the high priest, the Jewish Supreme Court, the Roman governor, the ruler of Galilee, and Roman soldiers. He was slapped in the face as a sign of scorn, beaten with the fists of warriors, mocked, and hit with a rod. A crown of long thorns was pushed onto His head. He went through the unimaginable ordeal of being beaten by strips of leather that had metal balls and jagged bones tied to the end. Then He was nailed to the cross.

Mission accomplished? Only the Father and His willing Son saw beyond what looked like a miserable ending. That day Jesus took on His most important work. On the cross, He took our sins and paid our penalty. Then He cried out one word, “Tetelestai,” which means “paid in full,” and died. Mission accomplished!

Lord Jesus, I can’t begin to thank You for Your work on the cross. You bore my sins in Your body. You died on my behalf so that I could live. Thank You for such amazing love and sacrifice. In Your name. Amen.


Do you understand Jesus’ work on the cross? Email ronmoore@ronmoore.org for a free brochure titled, “Why Did Jesus Have to Die?”



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