Jesus and his disciples were in the area of Caesarea Philippi when he asked them what people were saying about him. What was the word on the street? The disciples told him that some believed he was John the Baptist; others said he was Elijah, and still others thought that he was Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Then Jesus asked the most important question:
Matthew 16:15-16
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
When we hear the phrase “son of,” our minds think of a father and his son. However, in biblical thinking, the phrase “son of” refers to sharing the same nature or essence. It describes a person who represents the intentions of another person. That’s what Jesus came to earth to do. He came to make the Father known and to do the Father’s will (John 6:38; 14:8-10).
Son of God was the name the angel used to announce the coming of Jesus to Mary (Luke 1:35). Son of God is a title that is unique to Jesus. He was God. He was God in the flesh. He came to earth—fully God and fully man—to die as our substitute on the cross. His death paid the penalty for our sin. Through the Son of God and only through the Son of God, can we have everlasting life.
Thank you for loving me so much that you would send your Son to die on the cross for my sin. Help me thank you every day with my whole life.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.