Daily Devotion


Names of God: Strong Tower

by | May 2, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Names of God | 1 comment

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.

Strong fortified walls from fifteen to twenty-five feet thick and twenty feet high surrounded ancient cities. Built into these walls were towers at each corner and at other places in the wall where an enemy might attack. Each tower had its own entrance, a staircase to the top, and a stash of weapons. Towers were the place to run to when the enemy was attacking. These towers were called migdal-oz in Hebrew. The same word is also translated as “stronghold.”

The Lord, Yahweh, is our migdal-oz, our strong tower, our stronghold. He is our place of security and protection. Those who know the Lord run to him and are safe. In the New Testament, Paul explains that the life of every true believer is “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). To be hidden with Christ or to be “in Christ” takes place when a person trusts in Jesus alone, as the only way to have a relationship with God. The Holy Spirit comes to live within us. We are in the temporal and eternal realm that Christ controls.

Jesus is your strong tower. In him, you are SSAFE: Significant. Secure. Accepted. Forgiven. Empowered. Nothing, not even death, can separate you from “the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39). Jesus is your strong tower today, tomorrow, and throughout eternity. Run to him and experience his embrace. He will never let you go.

Lord Jesus,
You are my strong tower. I run to you for rescue. Only you can save me. I run to you for significance. Only you can fill my life with meaning. I run to you for security. Only you can protect me. I run to you for acceptance. Only you can make me a child of God. I run to you for forgiveness. Only you can remove the guilt of my sin. I run to you for empowerment. Only your Holy Spirit can give me the strength I need to live for you. Thank you for being my strong tower!
In your name, I pray. Amen.

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