Have you ever watched one of those movies set in BC times when two armies line up to do battle? They charge each other and engage in hand-to-hand combat. And I don’t know about you, but I often have a hard time figuring out who is who. Are the good guys winning or the bad guys winning? It would also have been confusing on the actual battlefield, so every army had a flag bearer. He stood with a banner to provide a sense of direction and a rallying point. Today, we are going to learn that God is our rallying point. We can always run to him.
Not long after the Israelites left Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them in the desert. Moses instructed Joshua to choose able men for the battle. During the encounter, Moses stood on the top of a hill with the staff of God in his hand. When the staff was raised high, Israel prevailed over their enemy. But when Moses grew tired and lowered his staff, the Amalekites got the upper hand. With Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ hands, Israel finally defeated the Amalekites. After the battle, Moses commemorated the victory.
Exodus 17:15
And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The Lord Is My Banner.
In the ancient world, armies carried banners made from wood or metal. They were usually fastened to a long staff or pole. The banner was an army’s identifying mark. They were used to show where an army could rally, regroup, or return for instructions.[1] Moses held the staff of God up like a banner, asking for God’s power and blessing. He acknowledged God as Israel’s protector, the One to always rally around, and the One to go to for instruction and guidance. Moses called God Yahweh Nissi, translated as The Lord is My Banner.
Paul says that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. While Satan is not all-knowing, he is a student of human nature. He is ready to trip us up, to make us fall. He is like a roaring lion ready to devour us. Maybe today, you feel like you are about to be devoured. It’s time to look up. It’s time to run to Yahweh Nissi. He is your rallying point. He will allow you to regroup. He will provide the words of truth. Yahweh Nissi will always be your protector and deliverer.
Yahweh Nissi,
I am caught in sin. I am confused amid the battle. Right seems wrong, and wrong seems right. I have lost my sense of direction. Help me look up and see you, my Banner. Help me run to you and spiritually regroup. I want to experience your strength and protection. I cry out to you, The Lord my Banner.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
[1] Douglas Stuart, The New American Commentary: Exodus.