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It was going to be a tough meeting. Those sitting around the table had some real issues with each other. You could feel the tension—so thick you could cut it with a knife, as the saying goes. I knew this time together could blow up in my face. If it ended with me having to make a judgment, someone was going to leave the church. I also knew no one in the room was squeaky clean on this one. So, I began by reading Ephesians 4:32.
Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
I read it slowly. I read it with passion. I emphasized the words “forgiving” and “forgave.” I focused on the forgiving work of Christ and the command to follow his example. I noted that no one in the room was without fault. And then I prayed. As I prayed out loud, inside, I was praying, “Lord, please let this discussion begin with someone saying they are sorry.” When I said, “Amen,” we began the conversation, and it went south quickly. Accusations flew. Emotions flared. Tears flowed. Finally, one person got up and stormed out of the room. Another stormed out as well. Neither one returned to our church.
I learned a lesson that day that I have seen repeated many times since. Obedience is an individual decision. And it is heartbreaking when people choose to disobey the Word of God. Is there anyone you need to forgive, just as Christ has forgiven you? Then, the ball is in your court.
Father, someone reading this needs to swallow their pride and extend forgiveness to a person in their life. Give them the courage and strength to obey you. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.