Daily Devotion


Refuge: Armed!

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Refuge | 0 comments

Perpetua was a 26-year-old mother with a nursing baby when she was imprisoned for refusing to bow before idols. Despite her father appearing with the infant in his arms and pleading for her to sacrifice to idols, she refused. “Are you a Christian?” the judge asked. “I am a Christian,” was her answer. Perpetua was ordered to be killed by wild beasts.

As the young woman entered the stadium, she sang a hymn of triumph. Several men in the arena died as their bodies were torn to pieces by leopards and bears. Perpetua and another young woman were stripped of their clothes and hung up in nets to be gored by a bull. When the bull failed to kill her, gladiators were given the task. “Perpetua was assigned to a trembling young man who stabbed her weakly several times … When she saw how upset the young man was, Perpetua guided his sword to a vital area and died” (John Foxe, Christian Martyrs of the World,12-14).

The same God who armed Perpetua with supernatural strength in AD 200 is the same God who arms us with strength today. King David said it like this:

2 Samuel 22:33
God is my strong fortress, and he makes my way perfect.

Our battle may not be against beasts in the Roman Colosseum, but we need God to arm us with strength, nonetheless. Disease, discouragement, and depression take their stabs at our hearts. Fear will come at us like a hungry leopard and tear at our souls, but God is there to arm us with his strength and keep our way safe and protected. With him on your side, you can go through each day singing a hymn of triumph.

Father, on our own, we are afraid and weak. Arm us with your strength. Remind us often today that when we walk with you, our way is always secure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Additional Resources

Purchase the entire book of Refuge Devotions here: REFUGE DEVOTIONAL BOOK


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