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Proverbs 28:13
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
Living with secret sin may not impact your wallet. In fact, the money may keep rolling in and piling up. Living with secret sin may not impact your career. In fact, the ladder may keep on extending as you make the climb. Living with secret sin may not impact your golf game. In fact, your handicap may go lower and lower. Living with secret sin may not affect your friendships. In fact, no one may ever know.
But…living with secret sin will damage your spiritual life. Sin will cause your soul to shrivel. Your love for God will shrink. Your heart will become hardened. Your spiritual thinking will be dulled. Your spiritual emotions will become cold. And you can be sure that sooner or later, your sin will find you out, and you will be knee-deep in consequences.
So, it’s time to change course. God’s great mercy is just a step away from secret sin. When you admit your sin and walk away from it, you will find the relief of forgiveness. Instead of the stress of hiding your sin, restoration will come to your contrite soul. Instead of hiding in the darkness, you can walk openly in the freedom of obedience. It’s time to stop the secret games and make the journey home to God’s welcoming arms of mercy.
Let’s use this old Puritan prayer of confession as our guide today. Make the words your own.
I have sinned times without number,
and been guilty of pride and unbelief,
of failure to find thy mind in thy Word,
of neglect to seek thee in my daily life.
My transgressions and shortcomings
present me with a list of accusations,
But I bless thee that they will not stand against me,
for all have been laid on Christ;
Go on to subdue my corruption,
and grant me grace to live above them.
-Valley of Vision, 77
This week on The Journey:
Unshakeable Faith
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