Proverbs 11:17
A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.
The word “kind” in today’s proverb is translated from the Hebrew word chesed. It is sometimes translated as “love,” “lovingkindness,” or even “loyal love.” Chesed is a rich theological word, and…it is also very practical.
Chesed shows up at home in the menial tasks of loading/unloading the dishwasher, doing the laundry, mowing the grass, taking out the trash, or any other task that is helpful to others. Chesed shows up in the neighborhood when one shovels snow from a neighbor’s driveway or hauls away branches blown down by a storm. Chesed shows up at work with kind words, helps with a project facing a deadline, and writes an encouraging note or text.
But let’s read today’s passage again. We think of kind acts as benefiting others and they do, but who truly profits from kindness?
Proverbs 11:17
A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.
While helping others, the biggest benefit of chesed is to oneself. A life that is lived bigger than yourself is a life of true significance. So go out there today and live BIG! You’ll love the rewards.
Father, help us look for and find opportunities to show chesed today. And by your Spirit, may we enjoy the benefits.
In Jesus’ name.