Daily Devotion


Road Rules: Staying on the Path

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Road Rules | 0 comments

Proverbs 10:17
Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.

Have you ever strayed off the spiritual path? Took a shortcut? Got spiritually lazy? Gave into a “favorite” sin? The old hymn written by Robert Robinson in the 1700s says it well. I am “prone to wander,” “prone to leave the God I love.” Thankfully, God lovingly confronts us.

The confrontation comes through his Word, the conviction of the Holy Spirit, a good friend, or all of the above. When encountered, we have a decision to make. Will we listen and return to the “path of life” or ignore “reproof”?

Pride says, “Ignore!” “It’s my life, and I’ll do what I want to do!” “Who are you to point out my wrong turn?” “Who are you to look down on me from some ‘moral high road’?” Humility says, “Thank you!” “Thank you, Lord, for convicting me of my sin through your Word and by your Spirit.” “Thank you, friend, for caring enough to confront.”

We are all “prone to wander,” and the decisions we make when confronted are multi-layered. The choice not only impacts us but also those around us. When we listen to instruction, we are on “the path to life” and are pointing others to that path. When we reject correction, we lead “others astray.” Pretty big decision, isn’t it?

Father, help us listen to you and those you send into our lives. Penetrate our natural defenses and speak to hearts tenderized by your Spirit. Remind us that we are not on this road trip alone. What we do impacts us…and others.
In Christ’s name.

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