Daily Devotion


Road Rules: Steadfast Love

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Road Rules | 0 comments

Proverbs 20:28
Steadfast love and faithfulness preserve the king, and by steadfast love his throne is upheld.

The first part of this proverb uses two words (love and faithfulness) to describe the basis of security. Chesed describes a “loyal love,” a love of commitment and dedication. Emeth describes what is trustworthy and true. While our passage today specifically addresses an earthly kingdom, these two words convey the strong meaning of a faithful love often used to describe the covenant between God and his people.

The steadfast love between God and his people can never be severed. He brings us to himself and keeps us there. Nothing can snatch us out of his hand. He promises to finish the work of salvation he started. Nothing can separate us from his love. When we trust in Christ, we will forever be a child of God. That’s loyal love!

It is the loyal love of God that keeps us safe and secure. People may fail us. Some may go back on their commitment. Some may break a promise. But God never does. As Christians, our lives and eternity are settled, and that certainty gives us the freedom to respond to our Father in freedom and obedience.

Father, thank you for your loyal love. Thank you that, as believers, your love for us is perfect, complete and secure. Thank you for that assurance. May we respond with a gratitude that causes us to follow hard after you.
In Christ’s name.

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