All I can say is—it hurt. The words came out direct and sharp, hitting the intended target. I laughed it off and pretended the comment didn’t matter, but I was bleeding inside. Those words have been ringing in my head for over twenty years. I have talked to the individual. He barely remembers saying anything. He apologized. I need to get over it. But it is amazing how Satan has used that little episode in my life.
Proverbs 12:18
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Rash words or reckless words really do pierce like a sword, and we have all experienced the puncture. Some words are premeditated, with the deliverer sharpening the sword to make sure it penetrates deeply. Some are delivered in the heat and emotion of the moment. Some are “drive-bys”…off the cuff…with the speaker never realizing how they have wounded the listener. But rash words all cut deeply.
So, here’s the choice before us. Two types of words can come from our hearts and be uttered from our mouths. One type will wound; the other will heal. One category will encourage; one will discourage. One will cause others to tune us out; one will cause people to seek us out. One kind will tear a heart apart; the other will put it back together. What choice will you make with your words?
Father, guard our tongues. May we be those who bring healing, encouragement, joy, and hope with our words. In Christ’s name. Amen.