Eternal Fulfillment
Hunger will always return when you eat from the world’s banquet table. Ours is a spiritual famine that can only be satisfied with the “Bread of Life.”
Hunger will always return when you eat from the world’s banquet table. Ours is a spiritual famine that can only be satisfied with the “Bread of Life.”
The human heart is caught in a contradiction. On one hand, God has placed eternity in our hearts, leaving us with a God-shaped hole. We suffer from an inward famine. We are starving for God. On the other hand, we want to be our own god, call our own shots, be in control of our lives. We are afraid to surrender.
Okay, truth game. I am going to ask you a question. Be honest with your answer. Ready? What do you trust in? What do you really trust in? Let me offer what I think are some of the top answers.
The great prophets of old were used by God to serve us. Let that thought rattle around in your head for a while. Because of God’s grace and love for us, the “Spirit of Christ” (1 Peter 1:11) gave visions of the future regarding the coming of Jesus. The prophets on the Old Testament side of the cross did not fully grasp all they were writing about. But for believers, on the New Testament side of the cross, we have the gracious privilege of seeing words written seven hundred years before Jesus lived on this earth come to fulfillment. The prophets were “serving not themselves” but us.