Names of God: Judge of the Earth

Names of God: Judge of the Earth

Do you ever wonder why the person who cuts corners gets the promotion? Why one with no scruples lands the deal? Why do the promiscuous ones get the engagement ring? Why do the wicked ones prosper? The psalmist wondered the same thing. The writer of Psalm 94 made his...
Names of God: Judge of all the Earth

Names of God: Judge of all the Earth

Have you ever walked into a group of unruly people and wondered, “Who’s in charge?” Have you ever considered the broken world and wondered the same thing? Today’s passage reminds us that at the end of the day, God is the Judge who works in his way and his timing....
Fresh Start: Choosing to Forget

Fresh Start: Choosing to Forget

There are some things I can’t erase from my memory. Hurtful words and actions against me or those I love are seared into my conscience. I don’t want to remember these things or feel the emotion that goes with remembering. I can’t recall what I had for lunch yesterday,...