Years ago, Lori and I were taking our son back to college when, on the way, the traffic came to a sudden halt. After a time of stop-and-go, state troopers directed us off the highway onto the side road, where we drove for several miles. We knew that an accident had occurred on the main road, and it must have been a bad one. It was. A teenage girl, an outstanding athlete in our area, had been killed in a car crash. I am sure her family misses her every day.
Why? We ponder that question, yet the answer never comes. There are circumstances and events happening in our lives and all around us that, from our standpoint, don’t make sense. Unanswered questions leave a hole in our perception of who God is. We view him from our experiences, which change from one day to the next…one period of our lives to another. Unshakable faith does not mean we stop asking questions. Unshakable faith means that in the midst of our emotions, we hold onto the immutable character of God, like a person being bounced around in the ocean clings to the one object that keeps them afloat.
Romans 5:8
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Regardless of what you are going through, the truth of God’s love remains the same. His love is not passive and detached but active and intimate. He did not just write about his love; he demonstrated it himself. While our backs were turned on him, God the Son died on the cross for you and me. It is that amazing love that transforms the believer’s heart and anchors it in the midst of each storm.
Father, in my sin, you love me. In my questions, you love me. In my pain, you love me. Thank you, in Jesus’ name, for the anchor of your love. In his name. Amen.