Life presents chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. Our newsfeed delivers another story that makes us angry. Truth is mocked. People are stumbling in the public square. A call delivers news of an illness or a tragic loss. I read today that six people were suddenly killed in a head-on collision. In a split second, their lives were over. Bad news never stays “out there.” It hits home, and we do our best to stand firm.
So, how can you prepare to stand strong before the storm hits, the wind blows, and the rogue wave knocks you over? Here is a prayer that will help us start the prep work.
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
Let’s pray this prayer together.
Search me, O God…. Father, I open my heart to you. I ask that you shine your searchlight on all the dark corners of my heart to reveal my secret sins.
…know my heart! Lord, your Word says that my heart “is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Left to myself, I can rationalize sin. Make known my heart. Show me where I am missing the mark.
Try me and know my thoughts! As I go through the challenges of life, teach me. Show me how I respond and how I should respond. Make known my thoughts. Forgive me for allowing circumstances to control my heart. I pray that your Spirit controls the emotions and events that cause worry and anxiety to take over.
See if there be any grievous way in me…. Please don’t let me live my life doing things that offend you and others. Work on my personality where it can be destructive. Guard my attitude, words, and actions. Show me where I am hurting others and am not aware. Please don’t let me live in a way that grieves you. Show me when I need to seek your forgiveness.
Lead me in the everlasting way! Lord, help me to be in your Word every day, hear your instructions, and follow hard after you all the way home.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Very powerful… being in the word everyday… keeps me in check…I want God to see me sharing His word, and my actions in my daily life demonstrate my love for God.