Daily Devotion


The Fruit of Unfailing Love

by | Sep 5, 2020 | Daily Devotion, Journey Through the Bible | 0 comments

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Hosea 10:12

Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.

Yesterday’s passage reminded us that if we sow the winds of sin, we will reap the whirlwind of consequences. Today’s passage tells us that the opposite is true. If we plant thoughts, words, and actions that are in line with God’s instruction, we will reap the fruit of unfailing love.

The fruit of unfailing love is sweet. It is a deep affection that says, “You are my child!” Then adds, “And you will be my child forever!” It brings us into an intimate relationship with God. It is meaningful and satisfying. The fruit of unfailing love explodes with flavor and sends juice running down our faces at every bite.

There are consequences to sin, but, thank God, there are results of righteousness. God’s way leads us to where we always want to go. The right path is not always smooth and downhill. There are some steep climbs and rough terrain. But the destination is one of the great rewards. Stay on the right path and enjoy the fruit of unfailing love. Look! Up ahead! There He waits with open arms!

Father, we like to wander. Keep us on Your path and let us enjoy the fruit now and throughout eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read through the Bible this year:
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