Ever feel like quitting? Ever feel like all the effort is not worth it? In this episode Lindsey Hanlon shows us what perseverance is all about as she shares her story as a Division I swimmer at the University of Pittsburgh and University of South Carolina, wife, mom, and influencer.
The Journey Podcast
Episode 9 The Push of Perseverance

I LOVED this episode, cried through most of it because I am so proud to see one of my most favorite people living out her truth and what God has called her to do. Lindsey has been one of my best friends and cheerleaders since she arrived on the South Carolina campus. She’s seen me at my very best, and also my very very worst. I call her when I’m feeling great, and also when I need encouragement and clarity. She is filled with faith, love, kindness, empathy, amazing advice, and will always give you a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on. I could go on all day, but it’s better if you hear it straight from her mouth on her podcast ‘Wing it, Rise UP’ and through her book ‘Flying by the Seat of Your Soul’, trust me on that! Love you, Linds, keep winging it and rising above it girl! Your forever friend and cheerleader, Kase