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[expand title=”Devotion Text”]Hebrews 2:3
How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?
Moving from room to room like a wild animal on the run, the fire swept throughout the home. For those trapped inside the inferno, it seemed there was no escape. But then the firemen arrived and bolted into action. One brave rescuer pushed through the front door. He made his way through the falling structure to those imprisoned by the flames. Knocking a hole in the wall where the family huddled, the fireman yelled, “Follow me!” The opening provided a way of escape, and, without hesitation, the family followed the rescuer to safety.
But what if those caught in the fire refused to follow? What if the trapped family decided a hole knocked in another wall would have been better? What if those awaiting certain death argued that the hole should have been bigger? What if those imprisoned criticized the narrow-mindedness of the rescuer for only providing one way out? What if the entombed ignored the fireman? The answer is an obvious one. If those in the inferno had ignored the rescuer and the escape route, they would have died a foolish and needless death.
Caught in the grip of sin, we were helpless and hopeless. There was no way out. But then the Rescuer came. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He provided the way out of our past prison and the way into a relationship with the Father. This is the great salvation that the Rescuer provides. If we ignore it, there is no other way of escape. I invite you to follow the Rescuer today.
Dear Father, work in the hearts of all those reading this today. Help them see where they are—trapped in sin’s prison. Help them see what Jesus came to do. Help them today put their trust in the great Rescuer who leads them through this life and into life eternal. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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